
Dear Kids,
Welcome to our blog! Here you will find lots of activities, links and information related to what we are working in class.
We hope you learn, practise and enjoy.

Susan and Vero.

Thursday, June 12, 2014


Thiago prepared some work for you to do. 
WHAT A HELPER!!!!!!!!!

Paul is _______    _________   _____________ Federico. (INTERESTING)
Matias is _____________   _______________ Axel. (YOUNG)
Rodolfo is _______________   _________________Luciano. (FAT)
Jorge is ____________   ________Carla. (GOOD)
Jenny is __________   ____________ Amber. (PRETTY)
Carlos is _____________  ___________  ___________ Luis. (AMAZING)
Cakes are ___________   _____________   ______________ muffins. (DELICIOUS)
Juana is _______________   ___________ Susan. (LAZY)
Riding a bike is __________   ________________   ___________ skating. (DIFFICULT)
English is __________________   ______________ Spanish. (EASY)

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